Saturday, July 31, 2004

old stuff...

I was visiting our church website and I came across some of our pics from V-day this year that was taken for a church souvenir thing... just wanted to share it with you...

This is a pic with just my parents and my bro & sis...

this is my immediate family minus my hubby 'cos he wasn't here yet at that time...

a pic of four generations... Lola Sita (mom's mom), Mama, Me, and Jehann...

just the two of us...

okay, so that's that..

a new car??

hey guess what?! we're hopefully getting a new car within the next week or so... wow, we're pretty excited... it's our very first... our very own car... how nice that sounds... but how heavy also... you know, it comes with a ton of additional responsibilities... have to make sure that I pay the bills on time and everything, you know... that means that I really need to work so we can pay for it... hehehe... anyway, we went to the dealership today to test drive and it was pretty good... at least good enough to use for everyday work commute and other errands... well, here's what we're planning on buying... it's the HONDA CR-V LX 2WD W/ SIDE AIRBAGS...

what do you think?
Monday, July 26, 2004

6:07 PM - booooooooooring!

dang! what a day! what a particularly boring day! it was so boring that i'm actually tired from it... just got back from the hospital... had my first day at orientation so we had to sit through a whole day of "general orientation" which means rules, regulations, policies, etc... all blah, blah, blah... well, tomorrow's another day... at least i dont think it'll be as bad as today... it will just be half day of general orientation, then I gotta go to CPR class in the afternoon... so at least there will be some kind of a physical activity involved... today the only physical activity that we did was getting up during breaks and eating... hehehe... the high point of today was clocking in and out... hehehe... it feels nice to feel like i'm actually on the job..... :)

Thursday, July 15, 2004

6:05 PM - working woman....

finally, I have a real job... I have just been hired by Ben Taub Hospital... so I will now join the world of true professionals in working hard for their money... hehehe... it's kinda weird feeling tho'... have never really had a job my whole life... kinda scared, kinda excited... :) anyway, I'll be officially starting July 26th... Im gonna have to truly prepare myself mentally and physically for working.. have just been a housewife and full-time mother since I graduated that I think it might be a little work to get used to working on a schedule again and actually waking up early... :) well, that's life... I know...

Thursday, July 22, 2004

a pic

hey people...
just wanted to play around with this thing and figure out how to actually make this work and be effective....
hey people...
just wanted to play around with this for a little while to see how to actually work and make this thing effective...

Sunday, July 18, 2004

here we go..., here we go again.... trying to make things a little bit easier in keeping in touch with friends and family from all over the world... i saw this on google when i was actually searching for something else, but thought I'd give it a try... it sounded kinda nice and easy.... so hope this works better... c ya...