Tuesday, November 16, 2004

New Orleans...

okay, then when we finally got to New Orleans... didnt really get to do much sightseeing there.. we got there around 8 sumthin' on Sat nite, then had to start heading back around 5 sumthin' in the afternoon the next day...

This was inside the Riverwalk Mall in New Orleans... My sis-in-law's friend, Reagan, who was attending the convention with her, commented sumthin' sorta funny... he said he likes the Riverwalk in New Orleans better than the one in San Antonio cos it's indoors... hehehe... u know, Filipinos are scared of the sun... :)

there were 2 cruise ships there getting ready to go so we took pics with them... i really wanna go on a cruise one day... don't matter where i go or how long, even if it's just for a day... hehehe... just wanna see what its like on the ship... :)

like i said, didn't really get to do that much there... especially with Jehann... I realized that New Orleans is not a family-oriented place to enjoy... hehehe... didnt even get to go inside the casino cos i had the baby with me... but my hubby had lots of fun tho'... he won like a hundred-sumthin' dollars at the slot machines... hehehe...

Natural Bridge Caverns....

Then after San Antonio, we took them to the Natural Bridge Caverns right outside of San Antonio...

me with my sis in law, Rowena, from McAllen, to my left, and my hubby's cousin, Binky, from Houston, to my right...

here's some pics from inside the cave... it was a tiring up and down hike tour for 1.5 hours... but it was worth it... it's truly beautiful inside... you guys HAVE to see it...

the kids feeling free after coming out of the cave... :)

At the Alamo... San Antonio....

wow... i've been gone for a while... anyway, like i said... been kinda busy... my hubby's older sis from the philippines stopped by here on her way to New Orleans for her convention... so we showed her around here... here's what we've been up to...

a group pic in front of the Alamo...L-R.. Em, Reagan, Ate Susan, Binky, Nang Weng, and Nong Rally...

This is Em's older sister from McAllen and her hubby with ther nephews and niece... they just love kids so much...

Another group pic in front of RiverCenter Mall at Riverwalk...

These are my wonderful nephews from the Philippines, Stephen Gerard "Jing" on the right and Kahlil Andoni on the left... Ate Susan brought them here with her to see Barney in Disney World... hehehe....

hehehe... this is a pic that I know these kids would just die of embarassment if it was shown when they were older... hehehe...