Monday, September 29, 2008


I get the feeling I want to write. But I don't know what I want to say... What scares me is that I'm so forgetful. I worry that one day when I'm a little older and I try to look back on my life, I won't remember 80% of it. So I guess sometimes I get the feeling that I want to write events and things that I want to be able to remember. But then the more I think about it, the more I think that those moments aren't truly memorable or important enough to be written about. But then again, it's these small unseemingly important events that make up my life... so maybe I just need to make up my mind and stop over thinking things so much. anyway, no one truly cares what goes on these things right? I tried writing with pen and paper but it just didn't give me the same satisfaction that typing does for me... why is that? I don't know...

so here's some events from the past few weeks...

J&J participated in the children's program for FFAUMC's 24th anniversary. So proud of Little J... the center of attention due to being the smallest child actually trying to do what she was supposed to... :) proud mommy moment...
edit: thing messed up my video...

Hurricane Ike hit Houston and its surrounding areas knocking out power to 2.1 million households for days...

First time having to board up the house...