Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 random things posted on FB

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

Okay, I've been putting this off for a while now since my first tag. But after being tagged 3-4x I think maybe I should at least try to do it, right? Because seriously, I don't think there's that many "things" to know about me.

1. I'm a frustrated Christian. I want to be an all-out Christian but get frustrated because I am weak and constantly get sidetracked with the way of the world.

2. I'm a carnivore. The complete opposite of a vegetarian. Anytime I eat anything that resembles a vegetable, I get sick and throw up.

3. I am addicted to coffee. I love coffee any time of day. I can even drink coffee right before bed. Doesn't bother me. This is all started with all the all-nighters we pulled in college.

4. I miss my best friends. I hate that I am terrible at keeping in touch.

5. I love to sing but unfortunately, singing doesn't love me back. Through the years, I have grown a thick skin concerning this so if I feel like singing, I will. Don't really care who hears. "If you don't like it, then don't listen." :)

6. I should win the "BEST PROCRASTINATOR" award... if there was one. :) What can be put off til tomorrow, will be. :(

7. I still feel like a teenager at times. Sometimes it shocks me that I am so close to hitting the 30 mark. :)

8. I am a sucker for electronics. They just fascinate me with all the gadgets that they come up with.

9. Sometimes I think I am in the wrong profession. But then again, I can't imagine being anything else.

10. I talk too much.. I have a problem controlling what comes out of my mouth... I am constantly putting my foot in my mouth...

11. I am a compulsive shopper and a bargain hunter. I can't turn down a good bargain, especially when it comes to electronics. This is how I end with many things that I don't ever use, but refuse to get rid of.

12. In relation to #11 above, I am a pack rat. I never throw away or get rid of anything in fear that I might one day need it or want to use it and no longer have it. You never know...

13. I am very sentimental. So that makes my pack rat personality even worse because I want to keep every little thing that is connected to any memories. FYI, I still have boxes of notes/papers/mementos in my parents' attic from 4th grade, my first year here in the US. Still don't have the heart to throw it away. :(

14. I have no patience. I like things done right away. I wish people would understand things without any explanation. Because I hate to explain.

15. I talk with my hands. I can't talk without making gestures with my hands.

16. I love to multitask. Either I am doing multiple things at one time or the extreme, nothing at all.

17. I am a "stalker". lol. I like to keep up with what's going in in people's lives without having to interact with them or have them know that I know. It somehow makes me feel like we are still connected to long lost friends, etc.

18. I am a debater. I can argue any side of a topic and love to get into discussions about weird things.

19. I don't watch the news. It depresses me. No news is good news.

20. I sleep like a log. I can fall asleep anywhere anytime. No problems sleeping whatsoever. Problem is waking up. I need at least 3 alarms to finally wake up and get up. A war could break out and I would sleep right through it.

21. Never had an ounce of alcohol until I was in college. Never tasted a wine cooler til after college.

22. I have bad food cravings, and get depressed when it doesn't get fulfilled. My mind will linger on that one food until I get it.

23. I'm a list-maker. I like to make lists of anything and everything. I feel I accomplish more when I make a list.

24. I'm a junkie. I love junk foods. esp chocolate but not dark chocolate. I don't know. It's supposed to be healthy, right?

25. I am stubborn and don't like to be told what to do/ should do. If you do, more than likely, it will not be done. :) because I am stubborn.

okay. Wow. Can't believe I actually reached 25. There were many times that I stopped and though, "OMG. I am never gonna get to the end of this." lol. So what do you think? Do I pass? :)

Now your turn... You can do it.