Thursday, May 28, 2009

11 years ago...

This copy of The Tale of Two Cities was brand new.. with me being the first student to check it out for English class... Now, after 11 years has passed, this book has once again, by shear luck of fate, found its way to our family... My sister was given this book by her English teacher randomly..

Mother's day 2009

The children sang a song dedicated to the mothers at church... They wanted all children under 30... so awkward to be standing up there with the little ones... lol... but happy to see I can still be included in the "children" category...

My mom also gave testimony about Lola, which Lola didn't hear because she had gone to Uncle Boy's church... I tried to get it mostly on video so that at least she can watch it later... I will post in that in the videos section...

After church, had lunch/dinner/whatever it was at Kim Son on Bellaire... Didn't really eat much because we just finished eating lunch at church when Mari called... Good to have some quality time with the family though...

Then we headed home to the 'rents place because they were packing to leave for the PI the following morning... And of course we still had some last minute tugons and what nots...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

finally done...

with 3 weeks worth of SNV charting! man... I'm exhausted. My mind feels drained. Been sitting staring at this pc all day. too tired to talk now. will update later. had major issues with the washer today too. good night...

Friday, May 22, 2009

A cluttered mind....

Things accomplished today:

> SNVs on 4 clients... now, if I could just do the charting for them this weekend. Actually, not just for this week, but I need to complete charts for like the past two weeks...

> Lola's gold card renewal- called HCHD eligibility to get an update on the status since it's been almost a month since the app was sent in... lo, and behold, I was told by the helpful lady on the other end of the line that there was no record of it in their system that it was ever received! WHAT!? So she kindly told me I had two choices for my next step: a) fill out and drop off an app at a clinic to get a receipt that it was received, or b) schedule a interview with an eligibility counselor. Nope, def not b. So, asap next wk, I'll have to accomplish a. Then I also asked what I can do about her upcoming MD appt this Tues @ MLK. Said didn't necessarily have to cancel/resched it, but I would have to call the clinic and see if there was any way they would still her with the app pending.

>Called MLK clinic (Dr. C's ofc)- was told that she could still be seen but she would have to pay the $70 copay/$40 min. just great. Not gonna pay that much. I don't ven pay that much to see specialty docs. If I didnt work for HCHD, I would hate them.... nah, I think I still hate 'em no matter... So that adds to another thing I have to accomplish asap- get appt resched.

>F/U HCA copay bill - rec'd bill that I wasn't supposed to for a visit that the MD told me specifically she would not charge for because it was just an additional visit to the previous one's.lady said she would have to pull the chart and look at what was marked and then probably have to ask Dr. T too if what I was saying was true. I hope Dr. T remembers. Said she would call me back when she figured out something. so keeping my fingers crossed on that one...

>Tmobile to cancel Tzones for $5.99/mo feature for hubby's fone - declined. changed my mind when I was once again reminded by the agent that this was a grandfathered plan and we would not be able to get it for the same price in the future. They now have web2go not tzones, and starting price is at $9.99. Still trying to figure out a way to get Blackberry/Iphone for hubby/me. Maybe I'll win the lottery next week...

> TSO appt set for hubby, Little J, and me.

>Dental appt set for me. Need to call again to set appt for hubby, and Little J. Tooth hurting like crazy today.. another painful day...

>finally finished photobook made for key west trip, and placed order. pd $9.99

** J **