Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Roslyn's Bday

hey peeps.... hehehe... thats funny... i dont think anyone even reads this... hehee... anyway, whatever... it's just a place to vent just in case anyone ever wants to know.... i havent really been in touch online lately cos my hubby is the one hogging the computer... hehehe... just kidding... no seriously, he really is online from am to pm... he's trying to get ready for the big nursing board exam that he has to take this friday... so thats why... anyway, just wanted to set that out there in case people start to wonder if i've fallen off the face of the earth.. heheh.... by the way, just to catch up, here's some pics from my cousin, Roslyn's, bday... thanks for everything cuz...

hope year 23 is the best for you so far... hehehe...

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