Sunday, October 26, 2008


So freakin' frustrated right now that I can't even do my work right now... supposed to be doing my charts for my visits but my mind just won't function so whatev. anyway, I'm "net-less" at home... stupid AT&T people cut off my internet and now it will take a while before they can get it set up again.... man if anyone else knows of any other place where I can get broadband internet without a bundle or a home phone let me know... because if I have a choice, I would NOT be going back to AT&T... anyway, I decided to spend the night here at the parentals' res so that I would be able to do my work and turn it in... no such luck... spent all afternoon at NS stadium to watch the UIL marching band competition. felt kinda bad for them coz they made to the finals but then missed by one place to be able to make it to state in SAn Anton. anyway, whatev... I think I'll just turn in cos I really really don't feel like working on these charts anymore... I guess I'll just try to figure it out tomorrow how I'll ever be able to get it done... ok... night peeps... "good night nobody".... "Good night moon"....

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