Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Last weekend was family bonding time with the girls at San Antonio. We decided it was time to go again since Little J is almost 3 years old and seems so curious about everything right now and discovering things. IIt was totally worth it because they really enjoyed it. Little keeps talking about how "Shamu wet me!" lol... so cute how that's the most memorable thing for her to remember... now when we ask her if she wants to go back, she says only if we sit "far far away" so Shamu can't wet us again... hehehe... it was nice to be out like that just the 4 of us... it was the opening weekend for the Howl-O-Scream so they had a special grand finale show at 10pm, which was kinda cool too. Realized also that we went at the right time. Not too crowded because it's school time, and not too hot either. Like I said, it was great. It was such an amazing feeling to watch Little J see all these different animals/things for the first time. It was like she was in shock. You could just tell from looking at her face that she was taking everything in and trying to figure it out... :) Big J is a little older now than when we went last time, and understands most of it already. This time around she enjoyed the Happy Harbour a little bit more. She wasn't as scared anymore of the rides. If they had that much enjoyment from Seaworld I just can't imagine what it would be like for them now if they got a chance to go to DisneyWorld. So many more things to see and do... I don't know... Might be a little too overwhelming for Little J... Wish we could go next year...

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