Sunday, September 13, 2009

The start of something new...

Cant believe that I wil be away from Em
& the girls for 20 days. This is definitely a first. Just have to
remind myself a little sacrifice hopefully for the betterment of our

In the plane watching nickolodeon movie Imagine That. Ok as a movie
but not that great. Wish it was something better though.

Felt self-conscious during boarding because when I finally got to my
assigned seat it was beside 2 guys. Lucky for me that I had the aisle
seat which made it easier. Then I felt kinda bad that I was holding up
the line tryin to get settled. Hadn't had the time to get my book &
other stuff out of the big luggage before boarding. Had gotten to the
gate with just enough time to call Em. Then I was also worried that I
would have a hard time getting the carryon on the baggage cabin.

Another silent prayer answered that the middle seat guy transfered to
another seat to be with his companion. I was smiling as I said to
myself "great! More room. Much less awkward." :-)

So now sitting here trying not to finish all of my choco-covered
almonds. Feel so fat already. And I've still got 3 wk to go of eating
to occupy my time and mind.

Sent from my iPhone

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